The Amazing Chase

Welcome to The Amazing Chase!

Today’s challenge has been designed especially for you as you make your way out of where we are now, and into the streets of Sydney.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • This is a fun activity. Please take care out there and enjoy it!

  • Please take a bottle of water each, your mobile phone, and a means of payment in case you want to use transport at any stage.

  • Your mission is to chase me. I’ll be leaving ahead of you and your mission is to track me down.

  • Remember we today’s theme is unlocking your creative potential. Some of the methods we’ve used so far could be useful to you.

How does it work?

  • Once everyone has read through these instructions I’ll leave the room.

  • After 5 minutes I will text a password to Thalia.

  • That password will unlock the first clue (below).

  • Once you’ve answered the first clue successfully you’ll be shown the next password.

  • This continues until you track me down.

  • If you haven’t tracked me down by 3:30pm you’ll need to grab an Uber and return to this venue for a debrief.

Ready to go?